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the art style is amazing but still the game have some bug, the wolf is not making sound when it talk , and the rabbits too

(1 edit)

Just finished playing this! The artwork fits well with the topic and
the will to educate the player about speaking to someone suicidal is a neat intention, although I think the form could be improved.

The part with the introspection feels a bit too much like a lecture.
No matter what you think, the answer comes like something final. Like, it's a bit too abrupt. It feels a bit like this is absolute, but without explaining why. (I don't know if I translate my thoughts right, I struggle a bit with the wording).

I think it would help if the answer didn't come like an outside god announced them. Maybe if the wolf went in the woods and wondered what he did wrong. And he would come up with the answers, with an evolution between his mindset when he talked with the rabbit and when he came back later. If we could see the process as to why the answers are what they are.

Now I don't want to seem like I rant or anything, this is a really cool project and the will to expand awareness about a topic like suicide (and how to talk to someone who thinks about it) is great!

I hope you pass your assignment, you deserve it.

- The visual style is fantastic and it is very appropriate for the game.
- The quality of the product with the visuals and sound design is top notch!
- The integration of a multitude of elements such as the game, the download website, the reward website, and all the information provided is amazingly well done.
- Finally, it does do a good job of getting the message across :)

Constructive Criticism:
- The story, after a while, becomes irrelevant once informing the player and thus maybe transitioning away from it into a different and more personal/ relatable story might help as then it acts like an actual 'new start'.
- The reward website, despite how wonderful it is, could do with a more guided design as it (idk how much of this is just me but) does struggle to hold attention and just seems like endlessly scrolling in the dark after a little while.

Overall, given the amount of time and effort that was put into this project; this by far exceeds all expectations and it indeed is beautiful work! If possible, I would even be willing to buy this game eventually :)

I don't think I was expecting this short game to have such an impact on my mood. It feels like you can't really win in situations like these.

This game is beautifully made, the visuals as well as the storyline. This game actually thought me new skills regarding talking to someone who is suicidal. By putting it in this interactive game, it will surely not escape my mind and I will remember it for if I need it.

My only advise; don’t play this in public because you could tear up (talking from own experience)